Current version

The current release of Doorbell is 1.0. To find out what version you currently have, see COVER.TXT or check the comment near the top of the file DOORBELL.MAR

Doorbell - Provide a mechanism for clients to trigger a server

This utility consists of a set of routines that can be called by cooperating client and server processes. The server process calls Wait_For_Doorbell, which places it in a LEF state until a client calls Ring_Doorbell.

This allows you to implement systems whereby clients place files in directories for processing, and can then awaken a server process to deal with them. It is offered as a more efficient mechanism than having a server regularly poll the directory for data to be processed, and works clusterwide (unlike mailboxes and common event flags).

The product consists of a ZIP file containing DOORBELL.MAR - a Macro32 source which can be compiled on any VAX, Alpha, IA64 or X86 architecture running OpenVMS. In addition, DOORBELL.TXT provides documentation on the routines, and sample (trivial) server and client programs are included in CLIENT.FOR and SERVER.FOR.

Author: Tom Wade , Ireland.

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