PMDF Statistics

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4.5 Specifying the log file

You may specify a list of files as input, separating the file names by commas. Wildcard specifications may also be used. PMDF-Stats will open each file sequentially, and list the files as they are processed, producing a combined report. Be careful you don't cause a file to be processed twice, e.g. if you have a file JUNE.LOG, then the command

     $ Pstat *.LOG,JUNE.* /report=MY-REPORT.TXT 
will process the file twice. PMDF-Stats will list the name of each log file as it processes it.

4.6 Specifying alternate group files

You can specify an alternate group file using the /GROUP=file qualifier. By default, PMDF-Stats will use the logical PSTAT_GROUP_FILE if the logical is defined, and the file PMDF_ROOT:[STATS]DOMAIN_GROUPS.TXT) if it is not. For example, you might wish to maintain different group files for analyzing internal and external traffic.

4.7 Local Channel addresses

PMDF will not by default write full domain addresses for messages corresponding to the local channel, but only logs the username in the D record. This can cause matching problems for PMDF-Stats. There are three ways to solve this.

4.7.1 The PMDF LOG_LOCAL option

You can override PMDF's default behavior by ensuring that the LOG_LOCAL option in the PMDF_OPTION_FILE is set to 1.

Note that changing this option is too late for MAIL.LOG files that have already ben produced by PMDF.

4.7.2 Using /LOCAL qualifier

The /LOCAL qualifier specifies a domain name which will be appended to any domainless address associated with the local channel. You may either specify an explicit domain address (e.g. / or omit the value, in which case PMDF-Stats will use the local channel name of the current PMDF system. For this default to work, PMDF must be installed on your system, and all the logicals defined, as PMDF-Stats must map the PMDF shareable image file to get the local channel name.

4.7.3 Using $LOCAL directive

You can alternatively include the domain name $LOCAL in the Group file for one of the groups. This special domain will match any domainless address, and associate it with the group for which it is defined. Thus you would place it in the group that you would normally expect the local domain to be found.

4.7.4 Differences

Using the first alternative ensures that the problem never arises. The main difference between the other two approaches is seen when log file processing is being performed. Using /LOCAL in conjunction with /OUTPUT will cause PMDF-Stats to append the domain name in output MAIL.LOG files. This can be useful for standardizing MAIL.LOG files for centralized processing.

Chapter 5
Filtering and processing MAIL.LOG files

5.1 Filtering

You can instruct PMDF-Stats to consider a subset of the MAIL.LOG records in the input file(s). This is done by using one or more of the selection qualifiers in the command to activate the program. PMDF-Stats allows you to select records which match any of the fields in the MAIL.LOG record. If more than one such qualifier is used, only records which satisfy all the criteria are considered when compiling the report.

5.2 Partial matching

Most of the qualifiers allow partial matching using the "%" and "*" wildcard characters. Thus /INCOMING=BIT_* will match any record with an incoming channel starting with "bit_".

5.3 Processing Log files

PMDF-Stats also provides three additional qualifiers for generating MAIL.LOG format files. These are /OUTPUT, /REJECT and /ILLEGAL, and all take a single filename as a value. If /OUTPUT is specified, any records which pass the selection criteria are output to the file specified. If /REJECT is specified, any records which do not match the selection criteria are output to the file specified. If /ILLEGAL is specified, any records which fail the parsing are output to the specified file. This also provides a useful way to investigate any anomolies which might appear in traffic reports. For example, the report indicates a high amount of traffic from group INTNET to group SALES. You can then extract the relevent MAIL.LOG records using

     $ Pstat MAIL.LOG /from=INTNET /to=SALES /output=SALES.LOG 
which then allows you to look at the actual records leading to the anomalous figure, or subject them to further analysis using a different group file.

5.4 Illegal Records

PMDF-Stats assumes that all records in the MAIL.LOG file contain the following fields: Any record which does not conform to this syntax is treated as illegal, and will not contribute to the statistics. If the /ILLEGAL qualifier is specified, it will be copied to the illegal records file (or discarded if the /ILLEGAL qualifier is omitted). A warning message will be issued for each illegal record encountered.

5.4.1 Nonstandard Records

If the record has a code starting with "E" or "D" and contains the following fields after the Code field, then it is considered a "standard" record: If not, the record is considered nonstandard. Nonstandard records do not contribute to the statistics, but may be filtered using channel, date or code specifiers. They are not considered illegal records. Several channels such as PMDF-Fax and MAILSERV generate such records.

5.5 Filtering on localpart (username)

PMDF-Stats will only consider the domain part of an address in allocating addresses to groups, but you can use any part of the address in the filtering qualifiers, e.g. /SENDER=H235_* will match any username starting with "H235_" on the machine "".

5.6 Filtering Qualifiers

The following describes the various qualifiers that can be used to filter records.

5.6.1 Enqueued or Dequeued

Normally PMDF-Stats only considers dequeued records (i.e. those with a code field of "D"). This is because In some cases, you might with to use "E" records instead. For example, if you wish to examine traffic passing between two specific PMDF channels (as opposed to using sender and recipient addresses), then you need to use "E" records, as only these will have both incoming and outgoing channels specified. You can also select other codes used by channels such as MAILSERV or Fax. Use the /CODE qualifier to select records matching a specific code, the default is /CODE=D. You may also use a /CODE=ANY to allow all code types to be considered.

5.6.2 Selecting on Date

You may use the /BEFORE and /SINCE qualifiers to select according to the date and time of the message. These qualifiers restrict consideration to records whose date fields are earlier or later respectively than the date specified. Specify the date and time in VMS format, or use keywords such as TODAY or YESTERDAY. You may not use wildcards with this qualifier.

5.6.3 Channel specifiers

You may use the /INCOMING_CHANNEL and /OUTGOING_CHANNEL qualifiers to select records according to the PMDF channels. Wildcard characters may be used with either of these qualifiers. Note that the incoming channel is the first channel in the log line, and the outgoing channel is the second. Since D records only contain one channel name, you should use the /INCOMING_CHANNEL qualifier to select D records according to channel.

5.6.4 Selecting on addresses

You may use the /SENDER, /RECEIVER or /ADDRESS qualifiers to select records based on the envelope addresses in the log record. Wildcards may be used in the qualifier values. The /SENDER and /RECEIVER qualifier refers to the envelope from and to addresses respectively. The /ADDRESS qualifier is used when you want to match an address in either envelope field (note that you cannot specify /ADDRESS together with either of the other two). If you do not specify any localpart fields, any localpart address will be matched (an implicit "*@" is prepended to such records). Do not confuse the /SENDER and /RECEIVER qualifiers with the /FROM and /TO qualifiers which refer to groups.

5.6.5 Selecting on message size

You may use the /MIN_VOLUME and /MAX_VOLUME qualifiers to select records based on the block size of the message. You should ensure that the blocksize you use agrees with the blocksize in effect when the log file was created. PMDF-Stats uses the /BLOCK_SIZE qualifier to set this, whereas PMDF uses the BLOCK_SIZE option in the file PMDF_OPTION_FILE. Both default to 1024. Records are selected depending on the relative size to the specified limit. You may not use wildcard characters with these qualifiers.

5.6.6 Selecting on group

You may use the /FROM and /TO qualifiers to select records according to the group they are assigned to using the rules in the Domain Group file (note that Short Group Names are used). Do not confuse these qualifiers with the /SENDER and /RECEIVER qualifiers which refer to the actual addresses of the sender and recipient. You may specify wildcard characters with these qualifiers, but an error message will be issued if the wildcard does not match any of the defined groups.

5.7 Ignoring a Channel

When processing statistics, it is desirable to ignore the records associated with intermediate channels such as "directory", "conversion" and "name_router". Failure to do this will result in the counting the same messages more than once, as each messages causes multiple "D" records to be produced by PMDF. You can use the /SKIP_CHANNEL qualifier to specify one or more channels that are to be skipped as intermediate channels. Such records will not contribute to the statistics, apart from the message transit times (the transit time will be calculated as the difference in time between the 1st "E" record for any channel and the 1st "D" record for any channel not listed in the /SKIP_CHANNEL list.

Chapter 6
Producing a Summary Report

6.1 Purpose of a Summary Report

A summary report will display the total number of messages (and the total volume of messages) going into and out of each group. It does not give the same amount of detail as the matrix report, but it gives a readable summary of group totals. It also has the option to display per mailbox statistics.

6.2 Header Information

The following information is provided at the top of a Summary Report:

6.3 Information on each group

The rest of the summary report consists of a one line record for each group. The information provided for each group is as follows:

6.3.1 Format

The number of messages is output in Integer format. The volume is output as a floating point number in units of Megabytes. Where either number is too large for the output field, the format is changed to exponential (or scientific) format, e.g. 1.234E05).

6.4 Mailbox statistics

PMDF-Stats will only include mailbox statistics if the /MAILBOX qualifier is specified (otherwise the mailbox fields above will be zero). Mailbox processing does add to the amount of CPU time and memory used by PMDF-Stats. Note that groups that do not have the mailbox flag set will not be analyzed for mailbox statistics, and the field values for those groups will be zero.

6.4.1 Users that Send and Receive

The only figure not included explicitly is the number of users that have both sent and received mail, but this can be calculated from the figures given.

 senders_and_receivers = senders_or_receivers - (senders_only + receivers_only) 

i.e. subtract the sum of the first two numbers from the third.

6.5 Overall Total

The overall total of mail sent and received (and volumes) is included at the end of the Summary Report.

6.6 Site Reports

PMDF-Stats can optionally produce individual summaries for each group, each in a file of its own. This might be useful if you wanted to provide reports to each person responsible for a group as to the activity of that group (without disclosing other information). If you specify the /SITE qualifier, then PMDF-Stats, in addition to the Summary Report, will generate a site report for each group. Note that the /SITE qualifier is ignored if the /SUMMARY qualifier is not present.

6.6.1 File Names

The name of the site report is SITE-groupname.SUM, where "groupname" is the short name of the group. Any characters in the short name other than valid characters in an ODS-2 filename will be omitted.

6.6.2 Summary Information

The following information is written to the site report. Headings

The title string (specified by /TITLE) starts the report, followed by the dates and times of the earliest and latest record processed). This is followed by a section delimiter (a line of dashes). Overall Message Totals

The total number and volume of messages sent into and out of the group is presented in the next section. Each piece of information is presented on a separate line with introductory text. Fax Traffic

If a Fax report was requested (/FAX is specified) then the next section will detail the number of pages and transmission times taken for faxes generated by addresses within this group to each of the Fax groups. This is followed by an overall fax total for the site in question. For more details on fax reports, see the relevant chapter. Service Traffic

If a Service Report was requested (/SERVICE is specified) then the next section will detail the number and volume of messages sent by addresses in the site group to each mail group designated as a service group. This is followed by an overall service total for the site in question. For more details on service reports, see the relevant chapter. Transit Statistics

If transit statistics were requested (/TRANSIT is specified) then the next section will show the average, minimum and maximum times taken for messages processed to this group. For further information on transit reports, see the relevent chapter. Details mailbox reports

If the /MAILBOX qualifier was specified, then the site report will then contain a list of all unique mailboxes (localparts) in the group, together with the total number and volume of messages sent and received by that mailbox. This allows a site administrator to identify who are the chief contributers to the group's usage.

Chapter 7
Other Report Types

7.1 Overview

In addition to the matrix and summary reports, PMDF-Stats can also produce the following report types: Each of these reports is written to a separate file, but the information can also be included (on a per group basis) in the site reports (see the chapter on Summary Reports for further details). The different types of each report are described more fully below.

7.2 Service Reports

A service group is a group containing addresses of gateways, that may be used by users in many groups. Examples of these are X400, Internet or application gateways. Since many such service gateways generate per message costs, it may be desirable to know the usage of these services on a per group basis. Of course, the matrix report will show this too, but often a summary format is desired. This is achieved by marking such service groups with the service keyword. By specifying the /SERVICE qualifier with a filename argument, you can have PMDF-Stats list the number and volume of messages sent to each service group on a per group basis. In addition, if the /SITE qualifier is specified, this information is also written to the site report for each group.

7.3 Fax Reports

Since faxes often involve per message charges, it is usually desirable to produce information on fax usage for each group for charging purposes. PMDF-Stats achieves this by the use of a Fax Report. When the /FAX qualifier is specified, PMDF-Stats will write to the filename argument a report consisting the following information from each user group to each fax group:

7.3.1 Defining Fax Groups

You define Fax groups the same way that you define user groups: within the Group Definition File. Unlike user groups whose elements consist of partial or complete domain names, fax groups consist of partial or full telephone numbers. You can define multiple fax groups based on different call charges. A fax group is indicated by the presence of the fax flag keyword. For example:

Notoll (Toll Free) [fax]: 1800 
Local (Local Fax) [fax]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 
Trunk (Long Distance) [fax]: 0 
Intnl (International) [fax]: 00 
A telephone number appearing in the PMDF-Fax "S" record will be matched against the above group for a best match. Any starting with 00 will be considered in the International group, any starting with 0 in the Long Distance group, any starting with 1800 in the Toll Free group, and anything else in the local group.


The Fax Report facility processes records in the MAIL.LOG produced by the PMDF-Fax layered product. This processing does not refer to any other third party fax gateway.

7.4 Transit Reports

Transit Reports give an idea of how long it is taking to process messages for each group. This is done by subtracting the time stamps between "E" and "D" records for messages to each group. This effectively measures the performance of the channel that finally delivers the message, so such statistics are only meaningful on a destination group basis.

7.4.1 Producing a Transit Report

To produce a transit report, use the /TRANSIT qualifier with a filename argument. PMDF-Stats will produce transit statistics for each group into that file. The transit statistics consist of the shortest, longest and average time difference between corresponding "E" and "D" records. In addition, if site reports are also requested, this information for each group is written to the corresponding site report.


The Transit Statistics code uses the Message-ID of each message to match up "E" and "D" records. This item is not included in the MAIL.LOG record by default. If you wish to analyze transit times, you must set the LOG_MESSAGE_ID option in the PMDF_OPTION_FILE to 1. Note that there is no way to process records for transit statistics that were created prior to your setting this option.

7.4.2 Using the /SKIP qualifier

If you have messages that are crossing an intermediate channel (e.g. the conversion channel for virus filtering), you might want the transit statistics to include the time taken during this intermediate step, as well as the final channel. You should therefore include such intermediate channel in the Skip List (specify the channels as an argument to the /SKIP_CHANNEL command qualifier). You should also ensure that the logging keyword is included on the intermediate channel as well as the final channel. The transit time for a given record is the time delay between the "E" record when it is enqueued to the intermediate channel to the "D" record of the final channel (the "D" from the intermediate channel and the "E" passing it between the intermediate channel and the final channel is skipped over).

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